Parish Council - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral

2022 Parish Council - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral - Camp Hill

Parish Council – The Parish Council is the administrative and long-range planning body of the parish.  It is comprised of 15 parishioners in good standing, each elected for a 3-year term, led by the Executive Committee and guided by the Clergy. Nomination/Elections are held in the fall and all parishioners in good standing are encouraged to participate

Parish Bi-Laws

Parish Council - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral


Fr. Michael Varvarelis, Cathedral Dean

Fr Aaron Gilbert, Assistant Priest

2022 Executive Committee

Basil Papoutsis - President;  George Spanos - 1st Vice President;  Nick Theofanis - 2nd Vice President;    John Papoutsis - Secretary;  Robert Moeller - Treasurer; Chris Petsinis - Financial Secretary

2022 Parish Council

Dr. Zissis Chroneos, Michael Kalathas, Dr. Colette Lasek, Nick C. Mallios, John Mazias, Robert Moeller, John Papoutsis, Basil Papoutsis, Konstantine Pappas, Chris Petsinis, Dr. Elenee Raudenbush, Jimmy Senos, George Spanos, Nick Theofanis, Yemane Tzeggai


Executive Committee - The Executive Committee will be comprised of the President, the 1st Vice-President, the 2nd Vice-President, the Treasurer, the Financial Secretary, and the Secretary.  The Executive Committee shall act in a advisory capacity to the Parish Council, shall comprise the Grievance Committee, shall make committee assignments, including the appointment of committee chairman, establish an agenda for meetings, and ensure that monthly reports are submitted by the standing committees.  In addition, the Executive Committee may, from time to time, be given additional authorization by majority action of the Parish Council.

PRESIDENT (B. Papoutsis) – The President shall preside at all meetings of the Parish Council and shall head the Liaison Committee.  The President shall also preside at Executive Committee meetings.

1ST AND 2ND VICE-PRESIDENTS (G. Spanos, N. Theofanis) – The 1st and 2nd Vice-President shall preside at all meetings of the Parish Council in the absence of the President.  Also, the 1st or 2nd Vice-President shall assume other duties as may be necessary at the direction of the President.

TREASURER (B. Moeller) – The Treasurer shall be responsible for the deposit and disbursement of church funds, shall serve as co-chairman of the Finance Committee together with the Financial Secretary, and shall be responsible for the preparation of a budget for presentation to the Parish Assembly.

FINANCIAL SECRETARY (C. Petsinis) – The Financial Secretary shall record the payment of dues and Stewardship commitments and the delinquencies thereof monthly.  Further, he or she will assist the Treasurer in overseeing the financial affairs of the Parish and serve as co-chairman of the Finance Committee.  The Financial Secretary will also serve as a member of the Membership Committee.

SECRETARY (J. Papoutsis)– The Secretary shall prepare the minutes of Parish Council meetings and maintain the records and reports of the Parish Council and its committees.

Stewardship Committee (J. Senos) - Shall be comprised of at least two (2) members from the Parish Council and three (3) laymen.

Responsible for (a) The continuing development and promotion of the Stewardship Program;  (b) Consultation with individuals concerning their personal financial, ministerial, and spiritual Stewardship manner;  (c) Planning for and coordinating the year-round Stewardship effort;  (d) Reporting pertinent statistical information to the Parish Assembly and the parish as a whole.

Church Committee (N. Theofanis, J. Harbilas) - Shall be comprised of at least two (2) Parish Council members and three (3) laymen.

Responsible for the operation of the services within the church itself and shall be responsible for all supplies in the Narthex, Nave, and Altar areas.  This committee shall be responsible for the selection of ushers each Sunday who will serve in that capacity for a period to be determined by the chairman.  The chairman of this committee is also responsible to note visitors entering the church and give a list thereof to the Parish Priest so that the Parish Priest may formally welcome such visitors to the church.  Reports will be submitted to the Parish Council monthly.

Finance Committee (R. Moeller, G. Spanos, J. Papoutsis) - Shall include the Treasurer, Financial Secretary, and Secretary of the Parish Council and at least three (3) laymen

Prepare and submit a written report at the scheduled monthly meetings, setting forth the total receipts and expenditures for the preceding and succeeding months. Also, this committee will prepare a budget for the forthcoming fiscal year to be presented to the Parish Council.

Fundraising and Special Events - Membership of this committee shall be established by the President, with the approval of the Parish Council.

Plan and supervise community sponsored fund raising activities, such as festivals and dances, based on projection of income from these functions.  This committee will assist the Finance Committee in preparing an annual budget for presentation to the Parish Assembly.

Building & Grounds (B. Papoutsis, J. Orosz, N. Mallios) - Membership of this committee shall be established by the President, with the approval of the Parish Council.

Building & Grounds is primarily concerned with the maintenance of the church buildings and grounds.  The committee will submit a report to the Parish Council at its scheduled monthly meetings.

Program Committees - Membership of this committee shall be established by the President, with the approval of the Parish Council.

Oversees the activities of the Choir, Sunday School, Greek School, Camp, and other educational and recreational programs of the community.  This committee will make monthly reports at the Parish Council meetings concerning the Sunday School and Greek School, including attendance, curriculum, and any other information necessary for maintaining successful programs.